The Camomile

Flower of the moor, to nature dear,

And sweet as thou art free,

I turn aside from crowded paths,

To muse in peace with thee.

Thou fillest with thy pleasant smell

The down in mosses dress’d

The gentle breeze flows freshly by,

And fans thy yellow vest.

The housewife loves thee, treasuring up

Thy fragrant form with care,

Should sickness come, or wounds, or sprains

For thou hast virtues rare.

How oft, when hands and head were tired,

I’ve paced the common brown,

Or stretched me by your scented banks,

As the great sun went down;

And heard mysterious murmurs sound

Along the solemn sod,

The whispers of omnipotence,

The silent speech of God!

Dear child of Autumn, sweetest when

The robin pipes his quill,

Among the early harvest sheaves,

 Delicious camomile!

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